Rating: 6.5/10
Genre: Post-punk/Alternative
The High Confessions are made up of Steve Shelley of Sonic Youth, Chris Connelly of Revolting Cocks/Ministry, Sanford Parker of Minsk and Jeremy Lemos of White/Light. The impressive C.V's of everyone involved with this project surrounded their debut with fevered speculation. What would it sound like being the main question on everyones lips. With all the artists working in such varied genres many were very interested in seeing which sound came out as dominant. The speculation only grew when it was announced the band would be releasing their debut on relapse (a label that predominantly works with metal music).
What the band actually deliver with "Turning Lead Into Gold..." are eerie, off kilter soundscapes that leave you bereft of any reference point to draw. The understated simplistic drone of the music is counterbalanced by Shelley's drums. Whilst all this unnerving sonic racket barrages you Chris Connelly's aggressive sneer barks twisted dark lyrics with bile. The closest point of reference in my opinion would have to be sonic youth's self titled debut but even this falls short in matching the raw animosity and darkness behind this record. The true strength of this record is its atmosphere. The songs clatter along at a snails pace each laced with dread and almost post-apocalyptic overtones the drums and the occasional murmur of guitar youronly guide through the bleak and sparse soundscape. The only flaw with the record is the varied results of these minimalist whims. Whilst the unhinged overlapped spoken word piece "Along Came The Dogs" sets off a truly disturbing reaction other tracks like "The Listener" fall short providing nothing but 17 minutes of jazzy noodling.
The true highlight of this album would be the closing track "Chlorine And Crystal" which unlike anything else on the album provides a more standard song structure and more defined reverb drenched guitarwork. Whilst this album is deffinately not going to appeal to the masses or be to the taste of many, what it does it does well. You will be hard pushed to find a darker atmospheric album this year.
Download: "Dead Tenements" "Chlorine And Crystal"
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