Rival Schools - Pedals
Genre: Post Hardcore/Rock
Rating: 9/10
When a band that reached cult legend status a decade ago reform automatically alarm bells begin to ring. It's easy to jump to the conclusion that those involved are attempting to cash in on a legacy that will assure commercial success regardless of the new materials artistic merits. Luckily this is not the case with Rival Schools whose second album provides nothing but class from start to finish.
As ever the creative driving force behind Rival Schools remains lead singer Walter Schreifels who has won a place as a cult hero for his involvement in the New York hardcore scene. In the space between the bands dissolution and reformation Walter fronted several different projects releasing his debut solo effort just last year. The time away has in a sense altered the band and "Pedals" is deffinitely not "United By Fate version 2.0". The main change is a greater focus on melody and poppier ideals. Singles like "Shot After Shot" maintain the Rival Schools identity with the frantic and heavily distorted guitar sections and fast driving rythm yet prove more accessible than the heavier hardcore laden riffage of many tracks from the band's debut. "Wring It Out" also provides another pop rock gem that could rival previous efforts like "Good Things" a song so anthemic and summery that even to approach it's standard twice in a career is noteworthy. Walter's lyrics and compositions are as heartfelt and affecting as ever and whilst the layered fuzzy guitars provide stand out moments on tracks like "Small Doses" the solo's and other tweaks don't feel grandiose.
Overall the album stands up to it's predecessor's quality whilst not just being a tired rehash of an idea that did well 10 years ago. It is very rare a band can keep fans waiting for ten years for an album and not disappoint ( see Guns N Roses Chinese Democracy) and yet this album manages it. In many ways this album even flows better than it's predecessor which flitted between heavy and soft rather clumsily. Overall the Rival Schools boys have done it again and provided you with some of the most brilliant summer music you'll get all year.
Download: "Small Doses" "A Parts For B Actors"
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