Young Legionnaire - Crisis Works
Genre: Alt. Rock/Indie
Rating: 8/10
Young Legionnaire started to take form over 5 years ago when Bloc Party bassist Gordon Moakes collaborated with Yourcodenameis:milo on their mix tape style collaboration album "Print Is Dead". Yourcodenameis:milo unfortunately disbanded in 2007 and split of in several different directions with lead singer Paul Mullen joining The Automatic (another of the bands Yourcodenameis:Milo collaborated with). Following a break from touring with the Automatic and Bloc Party's hiatus of 2009 the band got back together to work on a debut single for Holy Roar records and then headed to the studio to work on their debut Crisis Works following several tour slots supporting Death From Above 1979 and Pulled Apart By Horses.
The band's sound is an intriguing mix of devastating bass and angular guitar work that sporadically shifts in and out of melodic reverb and pummeling riffs. Crisis Works also see's Paul Mullen make a welcome return as lead vocalist and guitarist which I'm sure many 'milo fans have been waiting for. Whilst the band create a brilliant range of sonic punishment they prove themselves to be more than just a one trick pony with softer tracks like "A Hole In The World" a brilliant mix of soft atmospherics that build intricately slowly building a sense of foreboding. Other highlights include the towering juggernaut "Twin Victory" that see's huge bass riffs smash against Mullen's sharp guitar work until it collapses into fits of screams and thunderous grooves. The album on the whole is pretty solid with very little in the way of filler and whilst in places the album is quite heavy the songs remain accessible. The first single "Numbers" for example is a brilliant little tune which sees a low down bass groove burst out of the background during the catchy chorus.
Overall this album is a sterling effort as a debut LP. The only issue that surrounds this release is the bands longevity. With two of the key components in other projects full time it is very unclear when or even if there will be a follow up. Until then I wait in baited breath.
Download: "Twin Victory" "A Hole In The World"
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